Metal: Future Station: Plough Monday

Metal: Future Station: Plough Monday




Metal at Edge Hill Station
Tunnel Road, Liverpool, L7 6ND, Liverpool

Event Type

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Plough Monday dates back to the late 15th Century and is generally considered to be traditional start of the agricultural year, when people return to work to mark the beginning of the ploughing season.

While Metal won’t literally drag a plough through the streets of Liverpool…we are metaphorically heading back to work to develop a new green public space in Edge Hill Station, the oldest active passenger railway station in the world.

Edge Hill Station Garden was first re-developed in 2011, and we’re delighted to announce that Metal has recently secured some financial support from Tesco’s Bags of Help initiative to develop a yearlong programme of art, food and gardening.

Committed to opening up the process of creation and our public programme, we’d like to invite local residents, artists, and organisations to a Future Station event exploring how public green spaces benefit our day-to-day lives and can drive awareness of environmental sustainability.

The evening will be an opportunity for all participants to share their experiences and involvement in creating green spaces, and question the potential role of arts and culture in their development over time.

The event will consist of informal talks, open discussions and will loosely be structured around the following themes and provocations.


The Urban Wild

Where do we find ‘wildness’ in our cities? In contemporary society, what is the public’s interest in wilderness? How have artists imagined wild spaces?

Cultivating behaviours

As urban citizens how do we engage with our physical environment in our daily routines? Do green spaces help people feel connected to public life? How can interactions with green public spaces inspire action on local environmental issues?

Invited guests:

Michael Smythe

Michael Smythe is an artist and Creative Director of Nomad Projects – an arts commissioning foundation that nurtures action-based research and collaborative encounters in the public realm. In 2014 Nomad Projects launched Phytology, an urban physic garden established within a WW2 bomb-site in Bethnal Green, East London. Phytology is an artist & community-led project exploring the use, value, resilience, and function of wildness within urban ecosystems.

They Are Here

They Are Here (f.2006) is a collaborative practice steered by Helen Walker and Harun Morrison. Their works can be read as a series of context-specific conceptual games. They often generate temporary systems and co-establish micro-communities that offer an alternate means of engaging with a situation, history or ideology. As artists in residence at Furtherfield, they initiated Seeds From Elsewhere (2016 – ongoing), an urban gardening project on disused land that brings together young migrants (including asylum seekers and refugees), family, friends and other professionals (including an architect, photographer and carpenter). Each participant is supported to grow flowers, plants or edible produce from their respective homeland. Throughout the process they literally and metaphorically ask ‘What can grow here that’s not from here?’

If you have any questions about the event, please do get in touch with Mary Jane Edwards: