AND Festival: Bidston Observatory: Observatory Cinema

AND Festival: Bidston Observatory: Observatory Cinema


2.7.21 - 4.7.21    
All Day

Event Type

Tickets will be released on Monday 24 May for all AND Festival 2021 events.

The Observatory Cinema is a temporary open air cinema atop Bidston Hill. A big screen weekend projects the art of sculpting time in the grounds of Bidston Observatory Artistic Research Centre: a location historically renowned for measuring natural undulations of tide and time. From this site of scientific observation and lighthouse signals overlooking the Merseyside estuary, AND will curate new waves of cinematic experience.

Fri 2 July, 4 – 6pm – Song of the Sea, curated by Scalarama Merseyside.

Fri 2 July, 7.30 – 10pm – All Light, Everywhere

Sat 3 July, 6.30 – 10pm – The Fog

Sun 4 July, 6.30 – 10pm – The Aquatic Life with Steve Zissou

A live cinema event that reckons with our industrial past and offers prophetic glimpses of what is to come.

On site, you will find food and drinks vendors, portaloos and accessible areas. This event is outdoors, so please dress appropriately – we recommend that you bring your own blankets and cushions to make the most of this experience. We have taken into account government guidance relating to social distancing, and will safely accommodate you and your group from arrival through to departure.

Tickets are priced at £20 per plot, and each plot comfortably seats up to 6 people. If you have any access requirements, we are happy to reserve an accessible space for you – just email before you purchase your ticket.

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England, Wirral Council and Film Hub North, proud to be part of the BFI Film Audience Network. With further support from Bidston Observatory Artistic Research Centre.

Make a day of it by joining us at the Central Hydraulic Tower for Does Spring Hide Its Joy by Kali Malone as part of AND Festival 2021.

Fri 2nd — Sun 4th Jul 2021
Bidston Observatory