Warrington Museum: WCAF 16: Betty’s Hotpot, by Womanstanley

Warrington Museum: WCAF 16: Betty's Hotpot, by Womanstanley


30.9.16 - 29.10.16    
All Day


Warrington Museum & Art Gallery
Bold Street, Warrington, WA1 1DR, Warrington

Event Type

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Bettys Hotpot, by Womanstanley

***** (3 Ratings)

The very best from three years of Womanstanley, served up in a warm bowl of Betty’s hearty goodness. Enjoy!

  • prep time: 3 years
  • suitable for: all diets
  • serves: everyone


A handful of the finest Womanstanley artists (fresh from 3 years of pop-up exhibitions in Warrington)

  • 1 cup of DIY spirit
  • A spoonful of local music
  • A pinch of Coronation Street references


  1. Invite the handful of artists to create work for 3 wonderful pop-up exhibitions in Warrington. The key is to find artists from diverse disciplines and backgrounds.
  2. Ask them to bring back their favourite work to throw in the pot for Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival 2016.
  3. Mix together and let the work simmer on the walls of  Warrington Museum and Art Gallery.
  4. Serve piping hot and enjoy from 30 Sept – 29 Oct 2016!

Womanstanley are also exhibiting at Pyramid during WCAF16: The Making of Muriel