Expression Through Colour
Runs from Monday the 7th of September
dot-art is delighted to announce its new artist residency partnership with The Anglican Cathedral.
Set in the stunning Derby Transept at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral our first residency exhibition Expression Through Colour features work from long-standing dot-art members, Nathan Pendlebury and Ali Barker.
Nathan Pendlebury & Ali Barker form a vibrant pair; both celebrating the potential of colour, abstraction, movement and music within their bright highly charged compositions. Nestled within the magnificent architecture of the Anglican Cathedral, this dynamic showcase is truly brought to life through the glorious stained glass windows beaming streams of light down onto each canvas.
Artist and musician Ali Barker expresses music in colour, inspired by her experiences of sound-colour synaesthesia – this is the notion of visually perceiving musical notes in colour. Ali’s body of work draws upon her experiences as both a listener and a performer, presenting a range of expressive, gestural paintings made in response to her colour synaesthesia.
Alongside this work, Ali will showcase a series of paintings which translate daily sounds recorded throughout a year and represent them as grids of coloured squares based on the layout of a calendar.
With an adept eye for colour and composition, Nathan Pendlebury’s paintings are bright, organic and abstract. Nathan says about his work ‘I am not interested in knowing where a painting is going, the painting always leads the way. It’s about trying to create something, a glimpse, a glimpse of something new.’ Listening to music whilst he paints, Nathan often finds song lyrics seeping into his titles.
Expression Through Colour premieres new works from Nathan, these pieces take his musical inspiration one step further, as he paints directly onto vinyl records.