Bootle Festival of Ideas – Music & culture
Culture is the lifeblood of the wider Liverpool region. It connects our people, places and things. From the Merseybeat sound to the world conquering actors of stage and screen; vibrant artwork, once-in-a-generation storytellers, pub bands and poets – and us, who listen, watch, dance and debate it.
What makes your heart sing, and puts a smile on your face? What’s the story you’ve always want-ed to tell, or the skill you want to share?
We’re looking for a raft of new ideas that local residents want to try out here. As part of Sefton’s year as Borough of Culture we’re running the Festival of Ideas – to help YOU get new ideas off the ground.
Nobody expected this from 2020. It’s been a year that’s thrown all of our assumptions up into the air; made us rethink what we do and why we do it, and shown the value of community, collective endeavour and local resilience. We’ve had a chance to think about what works for us and the plac-es we live in. How can we help #BuildBackBetter and create real and lasting change in Bootle?
For decades Liverpool has led the way in music, storytelling, and acting. And new art and culture is popping up all of the time, from street art to street poetry, podcasts, photography and video pro-duction. It’s more accessible than ever.
As a region we’ve always been more of a leader than a follower. So we want to champion the next big things, giving them the space and tools to get their art out there. We want to harbour creativity and give opportunities to people in Bootle who might not have had them before. We want to help create new things that will make people flock from far and wide.
And we want to hear your ideas.
Come along to one of our events and share your idea to bid for support from a funding pot of £6,000, which will help take your idea to the next stage of development.
Join us on Friday September 11th from 6pm to talk about music and culture.
Leading the session will be Niamh Mitchell founder of Small Steps Events CIC, who run art activism events, workshops, and exhibitions in North West England.
Bootle Festival of Ideas is part of the Borough of Culture (BoC) programme.
The title is awarded by the Liverpool City Region’s Combined Authority to one of its six local authorities on a rotating, annual basis, and we’ve taken over from Wirral, 2019’s Borough of Culture.
The focus of Sefton’s programme is on stories – about us, by us, and for us… all of us – revolving around the theme of ‘Myths and Realities’. So join us and tell your story, share your idea and see what we can help you make a reality at this spring’s Festival of Ideas.
Bootle Festival of Ideas is produced by Make CIC, a North Liverpool-based community organisa-tion, and Kindred, which supports the region’s socially-trading businesses. Make supports artists, makers and small businesses with studio space, workshop facilities and guidance so that people can live happy, healthy and prosperous lives.