Headspace@EggSpace: blue skies & detritus jewels, a collection by nick watson

Headspace@EggSpace: blue skies & detritus jewels, a collection by nick watson


22.9.16 - 30.10.16    
All Day


HeadSpace at EggSpace
The Egg Cafe, 16-18 Newington, Liverpool, L1 4ED, Liverpool

Event Type

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blue skies & detritus jewels,
a collection by Nick Watson

We are pleased to tell you this week we have a new exhibition starting with a collection of paintings by Nick Watson.

Please come along on Thursday 22nd September for the private view from 7-8:30pm. Have a look around at the artwork whilst sipping a beverage in the wonderful atmosphere at the egg.

The exhibition runs until 30th October if you can’t make the opening night

Here’s what the artist has to say about his work and inspiration…

Essentially I am an eco artist. I make paintings of idealised landscapes
under blue skies and I use a lot of recycled and found materials to make
relief pictures, many of which could be described as detritus jewels as
I like to create decorative pieces using reflective surfaces.

I’m interested in blue sky because it represents something spiritual for
me – something above and beyond the cares of man and yet something
always with us. That something so beautiful, so awesome and beyond real
comprehension exists at all hints at the presence of a benign creator in
the middle of all this darkness. The landscapes vary from imagined greek
mythologies to remembered parts of the british landscape which I’ve
actually visited. Some of the more recent blue sky pictures have applied
elements which I think adds another layer of complexity and visual
interest to these pieces. I use dip pen and ink in a number of blue sky
pictures which represents my interests in abstraction – creating two
dimensional shapes to depict topographical form – and my historical
experience with drawing in this medium, something which goes back maybe
25 years.