FACT: Free Workshops, 22-25 June

FACT: Free Workshops, 22-25 June


22.6.16 - 25.6.16    


88 Wood Street, Liverpool, L1 4DQ, Liverpool

Event Type

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FACT have lots of great free workshops happening at FACT this week, as part of the public programme for our current pop up exhibition Designing Digital Now, in the FACT Connects space in the foyer, which takes a critical look at how we are shaping digital technologies and, in turn, how digital technologies are shaping us.
Wednesday 22 June / 11am – 5pm / The Box / FREE, booking required
Symposium exploring participants’ experiences of evoking space through sound, collaborative creative processes for working with sound, and the practical and technical considerations for artists, designers, and developers working with higher order ambisonics. The programme includes an opportunity to see a demonstration in ambisonics using Kinicho’s COSMOS platform.
Thursday 23 June & Friday 24 June / 1pm – 2pm / FACT Foyer / FREE, booking required
40 minute artist-led sound walk around Liverpool, using a radio receiver, electromagnetic pick up coils and a variety of different microphones a diverse range of sonic material will be collected, processed and broadcast live. A live improvisation with the immediate soundscape, unique each time it is performed, this piece plays with memory, intuition and impulse.
Thursday 23 June / 2pm – 6pm / The Box / FREE, booking required
How might computer games be reimagined using more improvised, physical and social types of play that connect us with each other and real world spaces? Come and play games that explore this question, and feel free to bring and share your own examples of computer-based or traditional games, and games you may have made yourself.
Friday 24 June / 1pm – 3pm / FACT Foyer / FREE, booking required
Join us for a walk round the streets surrounding FACT on the hunt for traces of the internet. Scars in the road reveal buried fibre optics, antenna’s mark mobile phone data transmitters. We take a wandering walk in search of a psycho-geography of hidden signals and systems as we try to discover just what makes the internet a cloud.
25 June / FREE
Walking tours at 10am and 1pm / Drop-in workshop from 3pm
Join two of the New Cloud Atlas’s inventors on mapping walks around Liverpool to log physical infrastructure of the internet, hidden in plain sight. We will seek to find datacentres and network switches along with mundane infrastructure of fibre optic street boxes, telephone exchanges and cell phone towers. By adding these — never before publicly mapped — features to the OpenStreetMap powered New Cloud Atlas, participants will gain a better understanding of the physical significance and operation of ‘the cloud’ while simultaneously developing the New Cloud Atlas representation of Liverpool’s digital communications infrastructures for everyone to use.