Editions Ltd: Carol Miller – Memoir in Lanscapes

Editions Ltd: Carol Miller - Memoir in Lanscapes


31.5.18 - 7.7.18    
All Day


Editions Ltd
16 Cook Street, Liverpool, Liverpool

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Carol Miller – Memoir in Landscapes

Private View 5.30-8pm Thursday 31st May – until 7th July

We were first introduced to the work of Carol Miller when she entered work into the Editions Liverpool Open exhibition. She was a popular winner in 2017. We were intrigued by Carol’s paintings from the start. They have an unworldly disturbing quality but are beautifully rendered with a masterful, delicate use of paint. Her work invites you into an emotive alternate reality that is both familiar and strange. These new works are a wonderful addition to her catalogue. Look twice there are other things happening here!

“Using imaginary landscapes as a unifying metaphor, my work reflects the emotional impact of unexpected events and the consequence of choices which unconsciously relinquish personal needs and desires in order to conform.

Images of birds and children are used to represent freedom, creativity and lack of foresight. The resulting work produces unsettling claustrophobic worlds which hint at the sinister, often threatening to engulf or overwhelm, offering a protection which suppresses and censors.”