dot-art Gallery: Photowalk

dot-art Gallery: Photowalk


10:00 - 13:00


dot-art Gallery
14 Queen Avenue, off Castle St., Liverpool, L2 4TX, Liverpool

Event Type

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dot-art Gallery

14 Queen Avenue, Castle Street, Liverpool, L2 4TX


Saturday 8th October, 10am – 1pm

Start your weekend with a photowalk around Liverpool’s world famous waterfront and landmarks.  Your tutor, BIPP Photographer of the Year 2016 Bryn Davies will guide you through finding the best angles and perspectives. Meeting at the dot-art Gallery, located within the cities historical business district, we will visit several key sites including the Town Hall, the Three Graces and Albert Dock before finishing up with a visit to the new exhibition, AEROSOL, at dot-art.

Tickets £25

For more information and to book your place, click on the link below.

For enquiries, contact dot-art on 0345 0176660 or