Cow & Co.: Mark Simmonds: Bad Scouse

Cow & Co.: Mark Simmonds: Bad Scouse


18:00 - 21:00


The Cow & Co Cafe
Cleveland Sq., Liverpool, L1 5BE, Liverpool

Event Type

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“The container will never interest me as much as the contained, but where would I pour my wine without a glass – and it is between the poles of the inseparability of the two that my anxiety at not finding a definite solution will oscillate, which could be interpreted positively as the desire for instability and change.”
– Daniel Spoerri, The Mythological Travels… (1970)


Sunday 28th August, 2016
The Cow & Co Cafe
Cleveland Sq.
L1 5BE

Mark Simmonds presents a study in three parts: performance, meal and artwork.

BAD SCOUSE draws parallels between ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture, using Daniel Spoerri’s ‘The Mythological Travels…’ as an anchor point. Simmonds’ ongoing fascination with the graphic language of takeaway food provides the basis for a sprawling triptych of works that consider the movements of peoples and culture. Geology and rock formations also provide a grounding upon which the foundations of Bad Scouse are built. Simmonds reflects on the use of photography in fast food advertising; exploring the origins of fast food and how it came to define generations of people.

Taking inspiration from fast food, rocks, minerals and local heroes, the artist will examine the physical and psychological spaces that surround food.

This event will be accompanied by a three course meal, a performance and an exclusively editioned artwork for each of the guests in attendance.

Bad Scouse is strictly limited and tickets must be bought in advance here.

Mark Simmonds’ practice encompasses graphic design, performance, writing and publishing. His work often considers the various unclaimed signs and symbols latent in cultural information and its dissemination. He is a former participant of Masters programme Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem; and he has lived and worked in London and Berlin. He is currently based in Liverpool, working from his studio at The Royal Standard.

Comissioned by Tžužjj