Corke Gallery: Martin Greenland, I Am Not Making This Up

Corke Gallery: Martin Greenland, I Am Not Making This Up


30.9.16 - 12.11.16    


Corke Gallery
296-298 Aigburth Road, Liverpool, L17 9PW, Liverpool

Event Type

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Martin Greenland
6pm – 8pm, Thursday 29 September 2016

Exhibition Dates
Part 1: Fri 30 Sept – Thu 20 Oct 2016
Part 2: Wed 31 Oct – Fri 12 Nov 2016
Martin Greenland won the John Moores Painting Prize in 2006 with his painting ‘Before Vermeer’s Clouds’ and for most of the past thirty years those who know his work will have seen a predominance for landscape. Within this work, elements, themes and motifs have come and gone and recent paintings have become purer as landscapes, this being the biggest joy for him; to purely invent landscape, as this is what these works are; complete, improvised inventions, even if these pictured places are sometimes rooted in real places. He uses all his skills as a painter and what he knows and can remember so the viewer is absolutely convinced of the landscape’s reality.

In recent times he has often made paintings in a way which can be described as the mirror opposite of the landscapes; that is, completely and directly scrutinised still lifes. He has long been convinced that new life can be brought to this, for many, stale genre. Martin is tired of the laziness, the cliché, the lack of meaning which so much still life has so his new work brings something a little different; irony, a sense of humour, a dedication to tradition but also a shaking up of that tradition and most important, inscrutable painterly accuracy.

I am delighted to invite you to the Private View for the exhibition on Thursday 29 September 2016. Martin will be attending so it’s a great opportunity to meet with him and discuss his work. This exhibition features both large and small works, recently painted in oils.

If you are able to attend please can you RSVP either by email to or by calling or texting 07773 287827 – thank you in advance and please feel free to bring along friends, family or colleagues.