Bluecoat: Galleries of Inquiry, with The University of Liverpool

Bluecoat: Galleries of Inquiry, with The University of Liverpool


10:00 - 16:00


School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX, Liverpool

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Galleries of Inquiry, 17 November 2016, 10.00-16.00 at the Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BX
The University of Liverpool in collaboration with the Bluecoat Arts Centre, invites you to “Galleries of Inquiry: Philosophy’s contribution to curating, learning and public engagement practices of todays art wold”, a one day workshop (10.00-16.00)  in celebration of International Philosophy Day.
Drawing its impetus from the recently completed pioneering Philosopher-in-Residence programme at Liverpool’s Bluecoat (2013-15), the event brings together curators, artists, philosophers and arts professionals to investigate new frameworks for systematically deploying philosophy for the benefit of the public, artists and art institutions.
The event is part of the British Society of Aethetics Philosophy in the Gallery Series, and is supported by the BSA, the AHRC, the Bluecoat Arts Centre, and the Unversity of Liverpool.
Elena Antonacopoulou, Management School, University of Liverpool
Anna Bergqvist, Department of History, Politics and Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University
Michael Birchall, Liverpool School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University and Tate Liverpool
Ben Cranfield, Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies, Birkbeck, University of London
Yiota Vassilopoulou, Philosophy Department, University of Liverpool
Mick Wilson, Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg
The workshop is free to attend but due to limited places, booking is essential. Please see attached flyer for further information and how to book your place.
Contact: Dr Yiota Vassilopoulou,