Sat 11 November 10.30am – 4pm
Digging Beefheart: A symposium exploring Beefheart as ‘total artist’
at Bluecoat
The symposium will interrogate the idea of Captain Beefheart as ‘Twentieth-century visionary’, examining the breadth of his work and exploring how music, visual art, writing and performance overlap and feed each other. Presenting the artist in a fresh light, it will acknowledge him as a multidisciplinary exponent, a ‘total artist’ in the tradition of William Blake or, more recently, the Liverpool cultural catalyst, poet, painter and musician Adrian Henri. The event consists of presentations and panel discussions, with contributions from experts and enthusiasts including, amongst others, Magic Band member Gary Lucas, Beefheart’s biographer Mike Barnes, artist Graham Crowley, record sleeve designer Steve Hardstaff, Rebecca Ayres from Sound City, John Hyatt of The Three Johns, and fans who witnessed his various Liverpool gigs.
Tickets £10/£7
Tickets can be purchased by visiting, or calling Tickets & Information at 0151 702 5324.
A special weekend ticket for all Captain Beefheart events (except the Magic Band concert) is available: £20 full/£15 concession