“Here Come the Girls” by Enigma Artists at Ness Gardens, Neston
24 -28 July 2009
Collection of original paintings by Enigma Artists – Susan Myers, Clare Shaughnessey and Catherine Dipple at Ness Gardens, Wirral.
Clare Shaughnessey’s work will feature her signature intricate wildlife portraits, Susan Myers will be exhibiting floral silks and Catherine Dipple will showcase her varied contemporary landscapes and figures in acrylics.
For further details regarding the event and the exhibition, contact Enigma Gallery
Venue details:
Ness Botanic Gardens
Ness, Neston, South Wirral CH64 4AY
Tel: 0151 353 0123
Directions: http://www.liv.ac.uk/nessgardens/visiting/directions.htm
Catherine Dipple