18 October 2014
Tickets £8 Adults / £6 children – more info below
Thingumajig Theatre proudly present the re-launch of their acclaimed production – A November Day. In forgotten boxes in an attic, a woman discovers the story of her grandfather, a survivor of the First World War, and his unexpected encounter with a stray dog who knew no boundaries. With evocative puppet characters, live music and an ever-changing set, Thingumajig Theatre presents a timeless fable on war and the miracle of friendship when all else seems lost.
This play explores the timely question of how we remember. A November Day was created in 2008 in association with The Imperial War Museum North.
Tickets priced at £8 Adults / £6 children and concessions with a buy 10 get 1 free offer. Call 0151 443 2575/2200 or www.knowsley.gov.uk/tickets
Knowsley Leisure And Culture Park, Longview Drive, Huyton