Friday, February 7, 2025

Request for Artist Research

From Dr Nicholas Houghton…

Artists Research is a new initiative that has been established to make available evidence about the social and economic contribution made by artists. Funded by Arts Council England and the Visual Artists and Galleries Association, it is intended that it will play a key role in the supportive infrastructure for visual artists.

An important part of this work is the collection and synthesis of research that has already been undertaken. Therefore, I am writing to ask whether you have any research, or if you know of any research carried out by other organisations, or if you could suggest organisations that might have research.

The kind of research we are after is any sort of empirical investigation into any aspect of visual artists or crafts practitioners. These could include, for example, statistics, evaluations of artists’ projects or studies about the direct, or indirect impact of activities by artists. The research could be about artists working in any country and from the last ten years. If you are unsure about whether or not research would be relevant, please send it anyway!

If you would like any further information please ask.

Thank you.

Nicholas Houghton (Dr)

Artists Research
The Engine Room
Wimbledon College of Art
University of the Arts London
Merton Hall Road
London SW19 3QA
Telephone: 020 8408 5075
Fax: 020 8408 5050