Williamson Tunnels: GHost Hostings 16: Ghost-making machines

Williamson Tunnels: GHost Hostings 16: Ghost-making machines


18:30 - 20:30

Event Type

Friday 16 December / 6.30pm – 8.30pm / Williamson Tunnels Heritage Centre, L7 3EE / £3 / £2, booking required

What makes a ghost? GHost is a visual arts and creative research project which explores the nature of ghosts both metaphorically and practically.

For GHost Hosting 16, No Such Thing As Gravity artist Sarah Sparkes continues this programme of research seminars with a performance exploring the concept of ghost making and the technology and psychology utilised in these processes; how can technology create ghost narratives?

Sparkes will be joined by Natalie Kane, a curator, writer, and researcher working at the intersection of culture, technology, design and futures, and co-curator of Haunted Machines, an ongoing project exploring narratives of myth, magic and haunting around technology; and by Ann Winsper, paranormal investigator and Parapsychology PHD at UCLan.

You’ll also have a chance to explore the Williamson Tunnels, and discover the other end of the GHost Portal that you might have already seen in FACT.

A new commission for FACT and the Williamson Tunnels Heritage Centre, in association with National Museums Liverpool. The project has been supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.