Williamson Art Gallery: Make a Mosaic Mirror

Williamson Art Gallery: Make a Mosaic Mirror


11:00 - 16:00


Williamson Art Gallery & Museum
Slatey Road, Birkenhead, CH43 4UE, Wirral

Event Type

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Join mosaic artist Aleta Doran in this workshop to make a colourful glass mosaic frame for a round or square mirror on Sunday March 24th 2019.

You will use glass mosaic tiles to decorate your mirror frame, choosing from a large selection of shapes, sizes, colours and decorative finishes.

You will learn to cut and shape glass tiles and develop a clear understanding of the process of constructing a mosaic, which can be applied to other projects at home. All materials are provided.

Your finished mirror will need to be grouted at home, once the adhesive is completely dry – you will be given grout and clear written instructions to take home.

This course is suitable for beginners and those who wish to develop their skills – full support and guidance will be given.

This course is not suitable for anyone under 16 years of age.

The course fee is £45 and includes lunch. Tickets can be booked throughEventbrite

Sunday March 24th 2019

11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Aleta Doran is a Chester-based mosaic artist and member of BAMM (British Association for Modern Mosaics) and AIMC (International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists) A trained art teacher with ten years of teaching experience in schools, Aleta now offers mosaic workshops to groups of all ages in a variety of settings www.aletadoranmosaics.co.uk

To find out more about other independent workshops for adults, check out our learning pages on the website.