Unity Theatre: BlackFest Festival 2021: Festival Opening Night Arts Extravaganza

Unity Theatre: BlackFest Festival 2021: Festival Opening Night Arts Extravaganza


19:30 - 22:00


Unity Theatre
Hope Place, Liverpool, L1 9BG, Liverpool

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BlackFest Festival 2021 Presents Opening Night Arts Extravaganza.

BOOK HERE (£13.52)

Join us at The Unity Theatre for a night showcasing artistic expression from some of our amazingly talented artists. Complete with music, poetry, dance and live theatre; our opening night aims to provide an explosion of various art forms live at a historic Liverpool theatre.

Featured artists include:

Cassius James (Poetry): Is a poet, performer, author and writer. He has written over 3,000 poems and publishing 1 book of poetry and 2 novels. He is covering the alternate parallels of the unseen mystical dimensions.

HXRMSS (Music): Singer-songwriter and producer from Liverpool that makes her own beats as well as recording, mixing and amp mastering. Her main love and passion is for RnB genre. Her songs cover spirituality, mental health and uplifting lyrics to spread positivity.

AyyGabriella (Music): a multidisciplinary rapper/singer-songwriter from Liverpool, Toxteth. Her debut single “Crazy Times” encompasses deep-felt lyrics that talk about real-life experiences and the effects Covid has had on young and people. Her songs have a true desire to help people and inspire through creativity and hope.

Jaq Walker – At Ease (Theatre): This movement performance that takes place in an immersive theatre environment is an emotional and psychological extension of what is seen on the film screen. The inner and outer parallels of our mental health.

Kai Jolley – This Skin of Mine(Theatre): Dark comedy full of sarcastic humour tackling and challenging themes of abuse, race, self-love and transgender talking on the parallels of feminity and masculinity where does the line start and stop.

Omari Swanston-Jeffers & Zara Francis-Lee (Dance): Looking at an alternate parallel of existence with this immersive dance piece that explores African spirituality and knowledge that is within. How would I exist without the construct of this life, the weight of “mind-forged manacles’” the shackles of socio-economic status? I, today am a flower, bright and burning through the concrete constructs of this world – yet what would I be born into a world free of the “concrete jungle” my parallel existence. Let’s explore…