On the 22nd May, we invite you to explore our toolkit, experience a digital storytelling session, and learn to deliver your own digital storytelling workshop. Are you a community worker, artist or community arts practitioner looking to develop new skills? Would you like to find out how to help people tell their stories using photographs and digital images? Digital Storytelling is a short form of digital film-making that allows participants to share aspects of their life story originating a digital narration on personal, social, intercultural and intergenerational topics. It is a new practice for ordinary people who use digital tools to tell their personal ‘story’ in compelling and emotionally engaging formats.For more information about the project please go to http://idigstories.eu/
This event will take place at Toxteth Library at 1:30pm. This event is free, but you must register your place. You can register your place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/digital-storytelling-lab-tickets-32723328356
Please visit our website for more details: http://www.wowfest.uk/
Writing on the Wall, established in 2000, is the longest standing writing festival in Liverpool. It will be delivering its 17th festival, which will run for the whole of May. WoWFest 2017 hosts local, national and international writers, performers, artists and commentators whose work provokes controversy and debate. We are unique in that we provide the opportunity for both high-profile national and international guests, as well as local talent and communities to promote and share their own writing, art and talent. Writing on the Wall celebrates writing in all its forms including literature, creative writing, journalism and non-fiction, poetry, song writing and storytelling.