The Reader: dot-art: Landscape Painting

The Reader: dot-art: Landscape Painting


18:00 - 20:00


Calderstones Mansion House
Calderstones Park, Liverpool, L18 3JB, Liverpool

Event Type

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Through a series of quick experimental pieces and more finished works, this landscape painting course will walk you through the process of developing your own unique visual response to the landscape.

Suitable for complete beginners who are new to oil painting as well as those with more experience looking to develop their skills.

***To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660***

Wednesday evenings, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, starting 22 April 2020 (£160 for 10 week course)



The course will cover a range of things including gathering your own reference material, testing out ideas and ultimately walking away at the end of the 10 weeks with a painting you would be happy to hang on your wall. Although centred around oil painting, the course will involve a variety of media, including charcoal and acrylic paint.

The classes will include a combination of presentations to the group, demonstrations and individual tuition. Suitable for beginners and more experienced artists who wish to develop their skills.

Week 1/2 – Introduction to Landscape, Composition & Colour:

  • How to create a strong and balanced composition – learning the importance of tonal arrangement in creating a balanced composition
  • Linear perspective, eye lines i.e how the eye travels across the piece
  • Tri-tone charcoal drawings and black and white acrylic painting
  • Japanese inspired Notan drawings (black &white)
  • Using acrylic paint, simplifying a landscape into masses of colour – no detail

*Important to bring a collection of printed out reference photos, some colour & some monochromatic.

Week 2/3 – Colour Theory

  • Colour wheel – science of colour and the interaction of colour – Josef Albers
  • Colour mixing – how to create or match any colour
  • Creating colour swatches/samples

Week 3/4 – Gathering reference material

  • Sketching in the landscape
  • Photos

Week 4/5 – Intro to Oil Paint

  • Premixing colours – arranging your palette
  • Begin a landscape painting from photo references and sketches in the landscape – focusing on basic shapes and colours, no detail
  • Wet on wet techniques

Week 6/7 – Plein air painting, outdoor painting – for those who have field easels or are happy to sit down with a table easel when there’s the opportunity to paint outdoors. Alternatively students may continue to develop skills indoors.

Week 8/9/10 – Painting a landscape from start to finish in studio, using samples and references acquired previously over the course.

Tutor: Jacob Gourley

Jacob Gourley is a Liverpool based artist specialising in oil painting. An active member of The Royal Standard Studios, he has exhibited in a number of both group and solo shows. Jacob graduated in Fine Art from the University of Gloucestershire in 2017, having been awarded a month scholarship to study in the British School in Rome during his second year. He also won first prize at the Wirral Society of Arts Open Exhibition 2019. For the past 18 months, Jacob has turned his skills to teaching oil painting workshops.


Spring/Summer Programme 2020, Wednesday evenings 6:00 – 8:00pm

April 22, 29

May 6, 13, 20, 27

June 3, 10, 17, 24


Making Room at the Reader Mansion

Calderstones Mansion House,

Calderstones Road,

Liverpool L18 3JB


You will need to bring some of your own materials for the duration of the course. Materials lists will be provided 2-3 weeks before the course begins. If you require this list earlier, please email

Essential Materials:

Oil and/or Acrylic paints – titanium white, lemon yellow, cadmium red, crimson, ultramarine blue, cerulean/coeruleum/Prussian/pthalo blue, burnt umber (week 3 or 4 onwards)

  • Brushes – a selection of natural bristle and synthetic
  • Canvas boards/canvases (1 or 2 per week)
  • 3x 12×16” canvas boards/canvases
  • Larger canvas boards/canvases x2 (week 6 or 7 onwards)
  • A4 or A3 sketchbook
  • 1x pack of willow charcoal
  • Reference photographs, printed out or on tablet screen
  • Camera/ camera phone

Recommended additional materials:

  • Cadmium yellow oil and/or acrylic paint, possible other colours – viridian/pthalo green, burnt sienna, yellow ochre
  • Black acrylic paint
  • Field easel for outdoors
  • Table easel
  • Wooden/ Perspex paint palette
  • Box, or cardboard to carry painting home in



There are a maximum of 15 places available on the course, so early booking is essential.To avoid a booking fee and pay by card, cheque or cash, please contact dot-art Services directly on 0345 017 6660.

Cancellations / Refunds:

Once you have made your course booking your are committed to it. This is because our courses have very small student numbers, and often sell-out and are unavailable to others. Therefore any cancellations may result in a place not being filled, or a course not being able to run.

Cancellations are permitted up to 30 days before the start of a course, and a full refund will be issued. Refunds will not be made for cancellations less than 30 days before the start of a course. If you are unable to attend due to illness, personal or professional commitments you do not have the right to a refund.

If you wish to cancel your place on a course that has not yet started and you have a friend or colleague who can take your place we can accommodate this substitution.

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