Thatto Heath Library: St Helens Borough – Eco-Arts Gathering 2021

Thatto Heath Library: St Helens Borough - Eco-Arts Gathering 2021


14:00 - 16:00

Event Type

St Helens Borough Council Arts in Libraries proudly invite you to the first St Helens Borough Eco-Arts Meeting – a space for artists, creatives & makers to discuss, challenge and consider the environmental impact of the Arts in St Helens Borough.

Register here

We see this meeting as a starting point; a call to attention – & a tool for motivating action, to help local artists make their practices more sustainable and be part of a global movement to protect our planet. We want to know how we can work together and as individuals in more sustainable ways. We want to know what we can do with our art right now – that will make a positive change to our local and global environment. We don’t have all the answers, but we’d like to find them – together.

To help us, we’ll hear from creative facilitator and permaculture designer Liz Postlethwaite, & from artist, curator and writer Aidan Moesby -whose shared interests in climate change & socially engaged creative practice will form the structure of our conversation.

We hope that at the heart of this event will be a pledge: a public act of commitment between us – artists, creatives & makers of St Helens Borough – that will not only provide each of us with a starting point for a greener practice but might also help create the necessary collective momentum for a greener St Helens Borough.

To celebrate our pledge, we’ll also be premiering ‘Out of the Earth’ – a digital art commission from St Helens Borough Arts in Libraries – created by Leo & Hyde with contributions from the people of St Helens Borough.

Image Credit: Abel Rodríguez – ‘Among the Trees’ (2020