Stanley Dock: Fixing a Hole by Judy Chicago & Tate Liverpool: Sgt Pepper at 50

Stanley Dock: Fixing a Hole by Judy Chicago & Tate Liverpool: Sgt Pepper at 50


1.6.17 - 16.6.17    
All Day


Water Street, Liverpool, Liverpool

Event Type

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Fixing a Hole
Judy Chicago &
Tate Liverpool

01 June — 16 June

The White Tomkins and Courage Grain Silo, Stanley Dock
(viewing is advised from Regent Road or the Titanic Hotel terrace)
Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago is renowned for her large-scale, collaborative installations.

Here, the icon of American art responds to the lyrics of Fixing a Hole with a spectacular mural on the walls of the monumental Grain Silo.

The celebratory work is Chicago’s largest painting to date, and will engage the local art community in a colourful celebration of the four famous lads from Liverpool.

The artist explains: “In creating this image, I tried to honour the incredible path that took four lads from Liverpool to stardom, and allowed me to link my natural colour sense to the psychedelic hues that dominated so much of 1960s popular art.”

Chicago has enjoyed a career as an artist and activist spanning more than half-a-century, and in the 1970s she coined the term feminist art.

In 2012 she held an exhibition of work at the Black-E in Liverpool’s Chinatown.

Meanwhile from Monday May 29 to Saturday June 10 visitors to Tate Liverpool are invited to take part in workshops where they can create their own image and text based art in response to the song Fixing a Hole to add to a collaborative wall work. At Tate Liverpool Studio and Tate Liverpool Echange.

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