Staacks: “Coastline Conversations” by Derek King

Staacks: “Coastline Conversations” by Derek King


19:30 - 21:30


83 Banks Road, West Kirby, CH48, Wirral

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“Coastline Conversations” by Derek King

Building on a comprehensive collection of studies based on the local coast and around Anglesey, Derek has developed a visual vocabulary relating to colour, light and change.

The results give a strong impression of the subject rather than a direct representation, but still capture a sense of space and structure, creating in turn, a visual theatre for the mind.

This latest project has focused on Anglesey and the Marine Lake in West Kirby using predominantly acrylic on paper. This shift in media (usually oils on canvass) is a deliberate move in order to accommodate a more liberated response to the subject. The immediacy afforded by acrylics allowing for a rapid yet open interrogation and response, just as in a conversation.