Pyramid Arts Centre: Slippers in the Rain

Pyramid Arts Centre: Slippers in the Rain


19.11.16 - 28.1.17    
All Day


Warrington Pyramid & Parr Hall
Palmyra Square South Cultural Quarter, Warrington, WA1 1BL, Warrington

Event Type

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Slippers in the Rain
“Old age is a privilege denied to many.” (anonymous)

Creativity helps people to face challenges like loneliness and failing health, to celebrate and share their memories, and to respond to the world around them. The works in this exhibition have all been produced in 2016 by residents of Lymm in the later years of their lives. “Lilies of the Field,” was created at an event hosted by the Baptist church for people living independently: the other artists all live in residential care, where they have gathered together for workshops, many protesting that they have never been any good at art, and enjoyed contributing towards collaborative collages, or producing their own unique masterpieces.

At these workshops, residents often enjoy reading or listening to poems while their paint dries. A favourite is Jenny Joseph’s “Warning,” from which this exhibition takes its title. Our illustrations attempt to capture the spirit of that poem, of taking delight in the freedoms that can come with advancing age. Inspiration has also come from residents’ memories of the hardships of wartime and the pleasures of dancing.

The organisers of this exhibition hope to stage similar exhibitions in the future, and to include work from older people living all over Warrington.