OUTPUT Gallery: The Singh Twins

OUTPUT Gallery: The Singh Twins


1.10.20 - 25.10.20    
All Day


OUTPUT Gallery
32 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE, Liverpool

Event Type

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The Singh Twins
October 1 – 25

We are excited to welcome The Singh Twins to OUTPUT gallery, two of Merseyside’s most iconic contemporary artists. The Singh Twins have an international reputation, and are known for their highly detailed, narrative, symbolic and eclectic style which is rooted in Indian aesthetics. They work in painting, illustration, writing and film, and engage with issues around society, politics and culture.

For their solo exhibition at OUTPUT, The Singh Twins will be presenting ‘THE MAKING OF LIVERPOOL (2008),’ a 13 minute animation recounting 800 years of Liverpool’s history and its achievements. The short film is an exploration of one of their paintings, ‘Liverpool 800: The Changing Face of Liverpool’ which was originally unveiled in 2007 for the city’s 800th anniversary. Supported by Arts Council England, ‘The Making of Liverpool’ is directed, written & produced by The Singh Twins and it is narrated by Mark McGann. Animation of the work was done by Andy Cooper and his team (now Draw and Code) and there is an original song titled ‘City With Wings’ by Steve Mason.

Note about COVID-19:
We do not have an evening exhibition opening in order to reduce social contact, and we know that most visitors to the gallery come alone or in small groups and we would ask that this continue. Please wear a mask if you are visiting or purchase one from Total Recall Vintage – the shop at the front of the space.

As some of our usual audience members will still be shielding, we will be releasing a podcast series of interviews with exhibitors that discusses their exhibition and wider art practice. We hope this will help you engage with the work from a distance.

The front door is heavy and there is a bell to request access. Then, there are 4 steps to get up to the space which has a small vintage shop at the front and a gallery in the back. Someone will be at the shop desk in the front if you need their attention or assistance 11-5pm Thursdays-Sundays. OUTPUT is no longer wheelchair accessible and we are currently working to change this as soon as possible.

Read the full venue access guide here on our website:

32 Seel St
L1 4BE