Welcome to Shift, the brand-new sustainability network for cultural organisations in the Liverpool City Region.
The science of climate change tells us that over the next 10 years urgent changes are needed in order to save the planet from being pushed on to an irreversible path of extreme warming and mass extinctions. In the future we can also expect greater pressure on cultural organisations, from local government and funders, to provide clear plans to becoming carbon neutral.
The Shift Liverpool network will bring us together to collaboratively respond to these challenges with the aims of:
• Driving down our organisations’ carbon footprint
• Moving away from environmentally damaging ways of working
• Collectively promoting carbon reduction and offsetting
We will also be joined by two guest speakers who will help explain the potential of our collective response. They are:
• Lucy Latham: Researcher, consultant and advocate for the strategic integration of climate action within the cultural sector. She is the Arts Council England and Policy Programmes lead for Julie’s Bicycle, a charity that supports environmental sustainability in the creative community.
• Simon Curtis: The Chair for the Manchester Arts Sustainability Team (MAST), the city’s award-winning network that collectively reduces the environmental impact within the arts sector. He is a strategic advisor and environmental consultant for cultural organisations.
There are two event options for you to choose from:
• Wednesday 24 March 18:00 – 19:00
• Thursday 1 April 13:00 – 14:00
Both events contain the same presentations, as we want to offer flexible time and date options to suit a range of participants.
Membership information will be announced during the event and added to the website afterwards.
If you would like to contact us in advance of the event please get in touch: edgehill@metalculture.com