MPAC: Masterclass – Arts and Dementia

MPAC: Masterclass – Arts and Dementia


09:30 - 16:30


MPAC Liverpool
1-27 Bridport Street, Liverpool, L3 5QF, Liverpool

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Masterclass – Arts and Dementia
May 20, 2017


Background and expertise: Over the past 8 years Collective Encounters has amassed considerable experience working in the field of arts and dementia. We have delivered a long-term programme of creative arts workshops with people living with dementia and their carers in community and care home settings; toured performances in care homes; developed performance work to be used in a training context for health care professionals and delivered a training programme for carers in how to use the arts more effectively in their work. We have supported this practical work with an extensive research programme that began with a full literature review of academic and grey literature dealing with best practice and the benefits of arts and dementia. Publications include: Arts and Dementia: a Summary Report, and A Pocket Guide to Arts Activities for People with Dementia. We have presented papers and delivered workshops about this aspect of our work in the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Estonia.

The training day: This master class is aimed at anyone who has an interest in arts and dementia. We welcome both experienced artists and people with no previous experience of working directly in this field. By the end of the day participants will have developed:

  • An enhanced understanding of dementia
  • An understanding of person-centred and relationship-centered care, and the ability to apply these to their own arts practice
  • An understanding of the potential benefits of using the arts with people living with dementia
  • Increased awareness of a range of arts approaches which have proved successful with people with dementia
  • An understanding of the creative potential of working with people living with dementia and their carers
  • An understanding of the particular challenges of working with people living with dementia, and a set of creative approaches to overcome these
  • An understanding of the challenges of working in a care home setting, and guidelines to make this process run more smoothly
  • Confidence in their ability to run creative workshops with people living with dementia, in both care homes and other settings.

Save £10 per masterclass when booked with either Making Political Theatre With Communities

or Managing Arts Projects with Social Impact.

Book all three Masterclasses for £200 saving £55