Whose Art? Our Art!
Access and Activism in Gallery Education
New speakers added to line-up at engage International Conference, engage, the National Association for Gallery Education
The 2016 engage International Conference 

Liverpool Hope University & venues across Liverpool
 13 & 14 October
Fringe 12, 13 & 15 October 
Delegates at this year’s engage Innternational Conference in Liverpool can look forward to a host of contributors, including:
- Anna Galkina, Platform will discuss the challenge of organising large-scale direct action in pursuit of a cause.
- Lindsey Fryer, Tate Liverpool will lead a session on current arts engagement practice, its methods and achievements and its ability to effect change in local communities.
- Henry Ward, Freelands Foundation will lead a lively discussion on the role of creativity within the educational curriculum and how it is approached by teachers, students and artists.
- Sarah Pace, ADDO – will talk about recent support programmes for artists at the start of their careers and whether they have worked.
The conference programme also features Viviana Checchia, CCA Glasgow; Lizzie Crump, Cultural Learning Alliance, and Willie Nelson, Tramway. They join speakers already announced, including: Rabab Ghazoul, Visual Artist; Jeanie Scott, Executive Director, a-n; Bryan Biggs, Artist & Artistic Director/Project Director, Bluecoat; Mike Fairclough, Headteacher, West Rise Junior School; Kenn Taylor, Writer, Journalist & Head of Participation, The Tetley; Rebecca Ross-Williams, Theatre and Community Director, Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse; Steffan Jones-Hughes, Visual Artist & Director, Oriel Wrecsam, and Nina Edge, Artist.
Book your place today at www.engage.org/conference2016
– engage Personal Members: £165
– engage Organisational Members: £285
– Non-Members of engage*: £410
* engage members receive discounts on Conference tickets, as well as other benefits. Membership must be current at the time of the event in order to receive discounted members rates. Membership starts from £34, visit www.engage.org/join for information