Kirkby Gallery: Gary McGillivray: Deconstruction

Kirkby Gallery: Gary McGillivray: Deconstruction


19.2.20 - 3.4.20    


Kirkby Gallery
Kirkby Centre, Norwich Way, Kirkby, Knowsley, L32 8XY, Knowsley

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Alongside From Kirkby with Love, Kirkby Gallery presents a complementary exhibition by local artist, Gary McGillivray in the adjoining Entrance Gallery.

Gary McGillivray: Deconstruction

Entrance Gallery, Kirkby Gallery

Until 3 April 2020

Admission is free

Huyton artist Gary McGillivray is having a much-deserved solo show, following on from his inclusion in 2018’s Five exhibition, and over a decade of featuring in the Knowsley Open Art exhibition. His work has also been shortlisted and selected to represent Knowsley in the Pan-Merseyside Liverpool Open.

Deconstruction is Gary’s most recent body of work, which sees a new dynamic approach to expression. “My work prior did not feel expressive enough anymore and I wanted to see more of ‘myself’ in the artwork. I needed to lose the fear of making mistakes and wanted to take chances with the paint and my markmaking.”

Gary’s interest and inspiration sit within a broad range of artists such as Henri Matisse, Sam Walsh, Pablo Picasso, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Willem de Kooning, to name but a few. As a result, he has started to shed his old restrictive habits and ‘unlearn’ his previous painting style. “I had to deconstruct everything I had ever known or learned. The beauty of what I create is that I am never quite sure how they will look in the end. Previously I always had a mental picture of how I wanted my artworks to look, whereas now, the painting will appear when I feel it is saying/shouting enough.”

The catalyst for this new phase in Gary’s practice was assisted by a pilot project led by Kirkby Gallery in partnership with Kirkby Market called ‘The Arts Market’. Beginning in 2018, local professional and emerging artists were provided with a free studio space in the market. Although it was intended as a temporary arts project, Gary continues to work exclusively there within his own studio space, which has been essential in helping him to develop and produce the volume of work that he has. You can see him at work there on most Saturdays.