Free adult drawing classes at Kirkby Gallery
Saturdays, 10.30am-12.30pm
Saturday 12 November – Saturday 17 December
This tutor-led course of free adult drawing workshops is suitable for all abilities, from absolute beginners to those with advanced skills.
This course provides a structured introduction to drawing using a wide range of media and methods and encourages you to look at things in a selective way, giving you the skills to record your observations. Our friendly tutor Yvonne will demonstrate a new task each week and be on hand to answer questions and provide support and guidance.
You can dip in and out of the workshops if you so choose – there is no obligation to attend all of the sessions. You can come to one, some, or all of the classes if you like. All you need to bring is your own basic art materials – paper, pencils etc.
Please contact Tina Ball tina.ball@knowsley.gov.uk if you wish to attend.