Hope Park Campus: Tolkien Evening

Hope Park Campus: Tolkien Evening


11:00 - 22:00

Event Type

Friday 11th November, 2016. Free Admission
Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park Campus, L16 9JD

Tolkien lovers are in for a treat as Liverpool Hope University dedicates a day to The Lord of the Rings author and his lesser known links to Liverpool Hope University.

Alan Lee, Academy Award winning Concept Artist for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films will headline Tolkien Day at Liverpool Hope University on Friday 11th November.

As well as discussing the films, fans and literature lovers will have the chance to learn about Tolkien’s early manuscripts, his experience of World War 1, his faith – and his hidden links to Liverpool.

Tolkien was part of a team based at what is now Liverpool Hope University, who translated and edited The Jerusalem Bible. The Jerusalem Bible was the first translation of the whole Bible into modern English and celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Tolkien’s translation of The Book of Jonah is admired for both its beauty and accuracy.

Attendees will also be among the first to view a Latin Dictionary, owned and signed by Tolkien, and recently discovered in the Liverpool Hope University library.

Speakers on the day include John Garth, author of Tolkien and the Great War, Edmund Weiner, co-editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, Liverpool Hope University Alumnus Lord David Alton, and Stuart Lee and Elizabeth Solopova from the University of Oxford.

The day will conclude with a free showing of Tolkien’s The Return of the King (2003).

The event is FREE and open to individuals, schools and colleges. Attendees do not have to attend for the full day, and they are also invited to come along dressed as their favourite Tolkien character. Booking is necessary to secure a place.

To book your FREE place visit the Online Store

For school group bookings contact Andrew Cooper on 0151 291 3739 or coopera@hope.ac.uk
For further information about the conference please contact Dr Lisa Walters
