Introduction to animation
Discover the history of animation and explore the basic principles of creating motion through screenings and practical workshops. Participants will have theopportunity to develop a storyboard for their own animated short film which can be produced on the accompanying animation production course.
Fee: £21.45 (free to people on benefits/ some tax credits etc.)
Dates 30 Sept 2015 to 21 Oct 2015 on 4 consecutive Wednesdays at John Archer Hall   12.30 to 3.30
Animation Production
Learn the art of animation and produce your own animated short film using a mixture of traditional and digital techniques. Potential animators are advised to complete the introduction to animation course first for the best results.
Fee: £34.65 (free to people on benefits/ some tax credits etc.)
Dates 4 Nov 2015 to 16 Dec 2015 on 7 consecutive Wednesdays at John Archer Hall   12.30 to 3.30
This is a WEA (Workers Educational Association) course. Enrol by phone: 0151 243 5340
or online at