IB18: The Adelphi Hotel: Hidden Worlds: Unio Collective

IB18: The Adelphi Hotel: Hidden Worlds: Unio Collective


14.7.18 - 16.7.18    
All Day


Adelphi Hotel
Ranelagh Place, Liverpool, L3 5UL, Liverpool

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Unio Collective – Adelphi until 16th July

For Independents Biennial 2018, our artist group Unio Collective is showing six individual projects of new work for group photography exhibition ‘Hidden Worlds’. This theme is a direct response to the Liverpool Biennial 2018 title ‘Beautiful World, Where Are You?’ and interprets forgotten or unseen details hidden inside the ordinary of the everyday.

Socially engaged practice within Liverpool is a focus. In collaboration with Williamson Tunnels, we took a group of 10 Liverpool residents underground into the disused Dingle railway station and the abandoned Rosco Engineering car garage that once operated there. The aim is to engage people from Liverpool in the arts, the festival and also show them hidden parts of their home city.

All work will be exhibited in the Adelphi Hotel on the Biennial opening weekend and displayed inside and outside a purpose-built wooden structure [see Fig. 1 below]. Visitors will be able to move in and out of the stands, giving a sense of discovery

Jamie Sinclair The Root of It

This work explores the increasing popularity of alternative sacred treatments and plant-based medicines within Europe to treat loss or emotional trauma. This series of photographs considers the inner search for self and documents methods of ‘Ayahuasca Plants Sagrada’ and Shaman rituals used on a retreat in Mallorca.

Karolina Konior Residents and Rooms

In collaboration with a British prison, this series of photographs explores the impact of imprisonment on inmates and raises questions about stigmatisation and mainstream representations. The work interprets ideas of confinement by considering the longing for freedom in the absence of small, everyday choices.

Azimah Zain Freedom

Raised in Singapore, freedom in nature is something Azimah has yearned for since she was young. These landscape photographs show restricted land in the Cairngorms as featureless expanses to question the politics around privately owned land and the ‘right to roam’

Mark Epstein A Hungarian Rhapsody

This project presents an intimate portrait of the love story of a Hungarian couple named György and Ágnes. Through photographs, audio, text and objects, this work presents an archive of two immensely rich cultural lives that cannot help but peep beyond the Iron Curtain that Communist Hungary placed around its citizens.

Nikki Culley Things Outlast Us

This series of photographs documents the detail in an archive of objects collected by a Merseyside family to remember the lives of their deceased parents. The family was traced through old postcards in a Liverpool junk shop and the photographed things become artefacts behind glass to be preserved as reminders of a lost world.

Chris Gleave Title TBA

Combined with specially written work from Brian Patten of the Liverpool Poets, this project considers the inner world of dementia sufferers and its inaccessibility to loved ones. The work will show portraits of dementia patients and their families at Memory Lane support group in Liverpool.

Community Artworks Hidden Liverpool

All ages and levels of photography were invited to visit the restricted, disused underground Dingle station and abandoned car garage in collaboration with Williamson Tunnels. Attendees learned the history of the disused station and discovered rows of abandoned cars in the darkness with hand lamps and cameras. Photographs taken by attendees will be shown.