OUTPUT Gallery: DJ Alec Tronik presents a double bill of John Waters films

OUTPUT Gallery: DJ Alec Tronik presents a double bill of John Waters films


18:00 - 20:00


OUTPUT Gallery
32 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1 4BE, Liverpool

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DJ Alec Tronik presents a double bill of John Waters films

Liverpool DJ ALEC TRONIK presents a double bill of John Waters films at OUTPUT gallery: Female Trouble (1974) and Pink Flamingos (1972). The films will be separated by a musical interlude from the DJ, bringing together his interests in music and trash cinema. John Waters rose to fame in the 1970s in America for his transgressive cult films, and these two examples star counterculture drag queen Divine.

OUTPUT gallery is wheelchair accessible however the venue’s bathrooms are not, please accept our sincerest apologies. If you want to inquire ahead concerning any access needs, please get in touch output@thekazimier.co.uk or call gallery manager Gabrielle on 07770691652.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/107490626802078/