Test! 2: John Elcock at the Independents Biennial 2018
Material Matters artist John Elcock shows a major new piece exploring birdsong and landscape in an installation for the Independents Biennial 2018 .
From 12th September-28th October 2018 La Grive will be displayed on the second floor of the Independents Biennial hub on Houghton Street, Liverpool’s emerging new home for contemporary art.
La Grive takes its title from a synonym for the song thrush and relates a remarkable field recording Elcock made of the bird on the Isle of Iona in Scotland, with the island’s spiritual connection as an historic place of pilgrimage.
John describes the installation as follows:
‘I’d never heard such a rich and distinctive voice from a bird of this species, persistent yet melodious and remarkably – with a unique dialect. Over time its relationship to the special nature of Iona became clear and La Grive is my attempt to reproduce the experience.’
The work occupies over 100 sqm of space incorporating audio recording, floor-assembly, and sculpture. Visitors are invited to dwell in the space, take a few moments from the hustle and bustle of the city outside, and reflect.
La Grive is the second in a new series of projects called TEST! a programme of new works from individual artists of the Material Matters collective designed to explore boundaries of practice and performance.
12th September-28th October 2018
2nd Floor, George Henry Lee building, Houghton Street entrance, Liverpool L1 1 ED UK Open daily 11-6am, closed Tuesday
Free admission