FACT: LuYang Arcade Liverpool

FACT: LuYang Arcade Liverpool


28.4.23 - 17.9.23    
All Day


88 Wood Street, Liverpool, L1 4DQ, Liverpool

Event Type

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LuYang Arcade Liverpool transforms the gallery into a retro-futuristic arcade composed of games, avatars and environments inspired by anime, sci-fi, Buddhism and neuroscience. Motorcycle racing simulators, Space Invader joy-con towers and dance mat stations transport you to entertaining and thought-provoking worlds. Through gameplay, the artist invites you to explore the idea of “living on the internet” and to abandon binary ideas of “identity, nationality, gender – even your existence as a human being”.

LuYang often uses their own body as an avatar, employing advanced motion capture techniques to put themselves at the centre of these game worlds. Through this, they explore ideas of self-expression and control outside the remit of a human mind and body. Combining their own understanding of Buddhist teachings with aspects of neuroscience and digital technology, LuYang’s work asks: how is a physical life different to a digital existence?

Constantly evolving, technology allows us to consider new, alternative ways of existing. The world around us holds different histories, cultures and identities. Though these all exist alongside each other, often certain stories are often marginalised, or forced to mould to a particular ideal: we might understand our own identities in very different ways to how others see us. Through their work, LuYang provokes us to question our expectations of normal, using the cultures of anime, video games and sci-fi to create new worlds, and alternative possibilities for living.

LuYang Arcade Liverpool is adapted from the original installation, commissioned and produced by Zabludowicz Collection for the exhibition LuYang: LuYang NetiNeti, Zabludowicz Collection, London, 22 September 2022 – 12 March 2023.