Earth at the Bakery: Dead Pigeon Gallery: One Day at a Time Boys

Earth at the Bakery: Dead Pigeon Gallery: One Day at a Time Boys


20.8.21 - 27.8.21    
12:00 - 18:00

Event Type

One Day at a Time Boys
Photography Exhibition with Dead Pigeon Gallery
Opening Night: Friday 20th August 6pm – 10pm
Show continues: Sat 21st Aug –  Fri 27th 12 – 6pm
Earth At The Bakery, 136 Marvin Street, Kensington, L6 1NF

Dead Pigeon Gallery have been working for the first time with residents from Damien John Kelly House, and their ‘One Day at a Time Boys’, project. Damien John Kelly House is an abstinence-led residential recovery centre in Wavertree. The exhibition takes a look at stories led by recovery via the lads themselves, taking daily walks and recording what they see using cameras. It presents a collection of photographs and text expressing these daily observations and thoughts and is curated and led by Sam Batley.

Recent features on both Damien John Kelly House and Dead Pigeon Gallery can be found here and give good insight to both projects:


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