CBS: fs presents A Reading Group with Freya Dooley

CBS: fs presents A Reading Group with Freya Dooley


13:00 - 15:00


CBS Gallery
63 Blundell Street, Liverpool, L1 0AJ, Liverpool

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Following her spoken-word performance ‘The Host’, join Freya Dooley the next day for an informal reading group loosely titled ‘Why we write / Who we cite’*.

Book here

Sharing a selection of short texts, quotes and references, Freya will lead the opportunity for dialogue and discussion in an intimate and supportive setting. Light refreshments will be served.

Part exhibition, part contemplative study space, ‘Reading Week’ sees a series of invited artists initiate peer support and study whilst presenting live works that deal with text and reading, words and speaking, linguistics, language, looking and learning. Situated around a specially made, malleable seating installation influenced by a collection of egg cups, an ongoing Reading List will be nestled there too, with the installation playing host to two Saturday afternoon Reading Groups also. All kindly housed in the gallery at CBS.


Freya Dooley (b.1989) is an artist based in Cardiff. Working with writing, moving image, sound and performance, her practice combines literary and pop culture references to create fragmented monologues, dialogues, soundtracks and auto/biographical semi-fictions which frequently refer to anxious states. She shares a collaborative practice with Cinzia Mutigli and is also a member of Yellow Back Books, a collaborative project with Clare Charles, Becca Thomas and Louise Hobson around artist books and publishing.

Please just turn up, texts will be provided on arrival and no homework is necessary 🙂

*Title quoted from Sara Ahmed, ‘Living a Feminist Life’