Cass Art: Jules Penlington, Acrylic Workshop

Cass Art: Jules Penlington, Acrylic Workshop


All Day


Cass Art
18 School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BT, Liverpool

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Friday 10th December acrylic workshop


If you’re struggling to think of that thoughtful gift for your loved one this year (or you just want to learn more about the wonders of acrylic!) How about having a try at different mediums and some funky acrylic pouring at one of Jules’ workshops!

In the two hours, artist Jules Penlington demonstrates how to use acrylic paint in new exciting ways. Whether you’re just a beginner or a keen enthusiast, this workshop will enhance your knowledge of both acrylic paint and the different mediums you can use – from crackle to iridescent! In the first hour, you will be taught the difference between a professional acrylic paint and a student quality, to colour mix the paint, and how to use different effects with acrylic mediums. Then you will be taught in the final hour how to create one off surreal acrylic pouring art!

Canvas boards, professional acrylics, brushes and acrylic paper will be provided for as well as the mediums you will use for the workshop, you will need to purchase the Cass Art acrylic set from Cass Art Liverpool where the workshop is taking place. The price will be a special discount rate of £15.25!

Book here