Electronic Voice Phenomena returns with a series of electrifying live sessions featuring the best in hauntology, spoken word, glitch art and music.
The EVP Sessions takes its inspiration from Konstantin Raudive’s notorious Breakthrough experiments of the 1970s, in which he divined spirit voices from electronic white noise. Each session includes a range of new commissioned work alongside special guests – each performance resonating psychic echoes of technological ruptures and corporeal gasps, peering in at what lies beneath our circuit-boards and screens.
For the final instalment of The EVP Sessions, avant-garde electronic music producer Aisha Devi performs ecstatic music on the cusp of technology and ritual; and poet/theatre-maker Inua Ellams presents a haunting new spoken word performance in collaboration with sound artist Ain Bailey. Plus new work from game designer and theatre-makerHannah Nicklin. Award-winning poet and spiritualist raconteur Ross Sutherland plays [g]host with a newly commissioned series of Truther-style video works.
EVP is a collaboration between east London alternative literature producer Penned in the Margins and Liverpool arts innovators Mercy. Expect to be thrilled, entertained and haunted in a show audiences have described as “mind-boggling” and “perplexingly good”.