Bluecoat Display Centre: Protégés

Bluecoat Display Centre: Protégés


29.4.17 - 3.6.17    
All Day


Bluecoat Display Centre
The Bluecoat, College Lane Entrance, Liverpool, L1 3BZ, Liverpool

Event Type

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Bluecoat Display Centre Presents

Saturday 29th April – Saturday 3rd June 2017
Private View: Friday 28th April, 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Protégés is a mixed media exhibition exploring how creative ideas evolve from mentors to their protégés. The dedicated mentor can launch a creative career which can then blossom, but this exhibition also celebrates how the new ideas and innovative thinking of protégés feeds back into their mentors work. We hear from the artists themselves on how their relationships grow with time, and how both profit from the novel insight gained.

Featuring jewellery by Sarah Parker Eaton along side her mentor the internationally respected jeweller and silversmith Norman Cherry, textiles by Matthew Harris whose friend and mentor is the highly acclaimed textile artist Michael Brennand–Wood, and, exhibiting for the first time, sculptural glass by Bruce Marks and his mentor Peter Layton, a maker that is at the forefront of British studio glass.  The ceramic expertise of Liverpool Hope graduate Attila Olah will also be on show next to that of his mentor and tutor, Alan Whittaker.

Exclusively for Protegés, Chris Keenan and his protégé Katharina Klug will each make a group of pots that they will exchange mid way through the creative process, leaving the other to complete the pots with their own ideas and style – a collaboration reflecting the ongoing respect and trust between them.

Bluecoat Display Centre
the Bluecoat
College Lane
Liverpool L1 3BZ

Admission Free
Open Monday – Saturday 10am – 5.30pm. Sundays noon – 5pm.
Closed public and bank holidays