Bluecoat Display Centre: Manchester Study Trip

Bluecoat Display Centre: Manchester Study Trip


09:00 - 17:00


Bluecoat Display Centre
The Bluecoat, College Lane Entrance, Liverpool, L1 3BZ, Liverpool

Event Type

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Manchester Study Trip
Thursday 20th April 2017

Meet at College Lane entrance to Bluecoat Display Centre
at 9am. returning to Liverpool about 5pm

Price £32 (£29 BDC Friends and concs). Please note this price does not include lunch.

We will travel by minibus to the splendid neo-Gothic John Rylands Library on Deansgate, have a hot drink before viewing the building, manuscripts and exhibition Life of Objects which highlights objects from the collection linked to famous writers.

We will then go on to the Whitworth Art Gallery , which we last visited after its refurbishment in 2015.

Here we will have a talk on the current textile exhibitions: Revolutionary Textiles 1910-1939, Barbara Brown, the golden girl of Heal’s Fabrics in 1960s and 1970s: and Lucienne Day A sense of growth exhibitions.

There will then be the opportunity to look at the permanent collection and special exhibition of prints by Raphael and Marcantonio Raimondi.