BEAUTIFUL BRITAIN – Rainbows in Lockdown
Pauline Horne Solo Exhibition
ArtHouse, 65 Eastbank Street, Southport PR8 1EJ
29th September – 10th October 2020
For her first solo exhibition at the ArtHouse in Eastbank Street – “Beautiful Britain” – local artist and 6th generation Liverpudlian (although she admits to supporting Everton!), Pauline Horne, has taken her inspiration from recent visits out to the Lake District, North Wales, the Hebrides and the Orkneys, resulting in a absorbing mixed display of realistic paintings and mixed-media portrayals of the natural world.
Nature is an obvious fascination that Pauline has always been stimulated by.
“I lived in Southport for 40 years but currently I live over on the Wirral. Here I am surrounded on three sides by water and beaches and I am within easy reach of the mountains and scenery of North Wales and the Lake District. As far back as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by the sea and I have loved to sketch and paint the natural environment.”
Travel has also fuelled her creativity over the years, which she take pleasure in documenting directly out in the open air – en-plein air.
“I have a Masters Degree from the University of Liverpool and have published four books on the Travel Industry in Britain. Over the years, I have lived, sketched and painted in many places in Europe, South Africa, North and South America.”
Pauline alternates her media to suit her temperament and subject.
“My preferred mediums are pastels in the summertime and acrylics and mixed-media in the winter.”
By exploring the ever-changing natural world and investigating its spontaneous patterns and rhythms, Pauline has assembled a fascinating collection that showcases nature and its elements in a very personal way.
Southport Contemporary Art’s director, Norrie Bewick-Calvert, confirms:
“It’s always a pleasure to see a painter take pleasure in and pride in our beautiful countryside. Although Pauline has entitled her exhibition “Beautiful Britain”, her work actually celebrates the whole of the United Kingdom and will hold memories of special places for our visitors as well as inspire some UK ‘staycation’ ideas!”
This faithful and exclusive showing is definitely not one to be missed. Pauline’s captivating artwork will be on display at the ArtHouse, Eastbank Street from 29th September – 10th October 2020. The gallery is open Tuesday – Friday 10.00-15.00. Saturday 11.00-16.00.
In line with Government advice, the SCA team have introduced strict measures to keep visitors to the Gallery as safe as possible: There will be a policy of 2 visitors at a time, with social distancing once inside, and hand sanitize dispensers at the door to use on arrival.