ABC L1: Singers of Songs and Makers of Musics

ABC L1: Singers of Songs and Makers of Musics


6.4.18 - 19.5.18    
All Day


Carlisle Buildings, 67-69 Victoria Street, Liverpool, L1 6DE, Liverpool

Event Type

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Singers of Songs and Makers of Musics
An exhibition of work by artist and musician John R Chatterton.

A six week long  exhibition of acrylic paintings, pen and ink drawings and watercolors all on a musical theme.

Prints and cards will also be available.

At Liverpool’s more unique galleries, downstairs at ABC L1

6th April – 19th May 2018
Open evening Friday 6th April  6.30 – 9.00 pm
With refreshments and live music by John R Chatterton

Carlisle Buildings
67 – 69 Victoria Street
L1 6DE