Saturday, January 25, 2025

Staacks: PLACE

2 – 30 March 2015


Open evening Thursday 5 March from 7.30 – 9.30pm

Noun: a particular position, point, or area in space; a location.

In this exhibition, Elaine Adams and Freida McKitrick set out to explore the meaning of ‘place’ and how this can be interpreted visually with an emphasis on arousing feelings and sentiments of memory, belonging, happiness and fulfilment. The locations portrayed have meaning and place in their own experiences which have been expressed through line and colour.

unnamed-2Elaine explores the sensations and emotions experienced through sweeps of landscapes, across Moorlands and Coastal areas, stressing the spectacle of changing light and colour, conveying a sense of physicality and sublime understanding.  Whereas, Freida draws inspiration from ordinary images and objects placing them in an artistic context, but with a whimsical twist. She selects images things that are at home in ordinary human life, but have some extra significance, which is carried over into their artistic incarnation.

The exhibition provides an interesting contrast of styles and media centred on the concept of PLACE.

Image credits: Top right, by Elaine Adams. Bottom Left, by Freida McKitrick.