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HomeVenues ArchivesMetal ArchiveEdge Hill - Cho-In Theatre

Edge Hill – Cho-In Theatre

imageCho-In Theatre Company at Metal, Edge Hill
Korean Physical Theatre Workshops 23-25 June 2008

Cho-In Theatre Company performs entirely without words.
They believe that the spoken language imposes limits on our audiences and that through facial expressions, body movement and breathing we create a more genuine and direct form of communication.

Cho-In Theatre Company’s innovative approach produces new meanings from universal themes, resulting in an award-winning fusion of traditional and contemporary physical theatre styles.


There are two choices of workshops:

1. Communicating without words
23 & 25 June 10.00-17.00

Working closely with Cho In Company you will be looking at different ways of breathing, and how just through your breath you can convey different emotions.
Performing a scene: the participants would be taught how to perform a short scene from ‘The Angel and the Woodcutter’, Director, Chung- euy Park, will assess each scene and make suggestions.

2. Introduction to Korean Masked Dance
24 June, 10.00-13.00 or 14.30-17.00

The movements of Korean Masked Dance are contrary to natural western dance movements. In this workshop you will learn basic steps and put together some short routines. Choose between a morning or afternoon session, this workshop is open to all levels of participants.

23 & 25 June 2008
The cost of the workshop is £25

24 June 2008
KOREAN MASKED DANCE two sessions 10.00 – 13.00 or 14.30 – 17.30
The cost of the workshop is £15

To book and discuss concessionary rates please e-mail or contact us on (0151) 261 0514