Using Drama to help relieve life’s pressure and stress
Sun 12th November 2006 13.00 – 16.00
At The New Belve. Youth Centre, Miles Street, L8
Entrance Free.
Part Of a Weekend of Events to raise awareness of the campaign for a Community Theatre in the Dingle.
Alan Barton, an experienced practitioner in the field of using Drama to help reduce anxiety and improve health, takes a practical taster session on some techniques that can be used
To find the New Belve. go towards the bottom of Park Road (Ullet Road End) turn along Peel Street….Miles Street is half way along long on the left. The Belve. is on your right as you go up
Supported by Heal8
To guarantee place call or text details and contact to 07716848894 or
Or take a chance and turn up on the day.