This was our first visit to the Kazimier venue in Wolstenholme Sq. It’s a strange place, a sort of theatre in the round with dark decor and about 200 people crammed in at various levels. There have been a few weird and wonderful events there over the past couple of years but we missed them.
Saturday 30 January 2010 was a launch event for Impropriety the improvised performance people. They perform at Mello Mello on Slater St. every other Thursday and also run workshops there on Wednesdays. This was great entertainment and very funny, I haven’t laughed so much for ages.
I’m sure you know the score – the audience are asked for suggestions and the group of actors have to improvise sketches based on them. They split into teams so there’s a competitive element, they are set tasks such as telling a story without using the letter ‘s’ or facing each other without laughing or telling the stories as musicals. It all moves along at great pace and nobody really cares who wins.
There is also information on the Culturepool website as they helped promote this event.
So look out for their future performances, well worth the admission fee.