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OPEN DAY & AWARD CEREMONY: Gallery4AllArts Miniature Art Exhibition and Competition 2009

logoFRIDAY 18 December 2009, 17:00 – 20.30 at Gallery4AllArts, Lark Lane
Join us and vote for the best miniature artworks on show and later for the Public’ choice award ceremony. Public voting period closes: Friday 18 December at 17.00 and Public’s choice Award Ceremony starts at 18.30.

This exhibition features a selection of 2D miniature artworks in a variety of mediums and styles from abstract to representational, from Liverpool based artists, artists from North West UK, Nottingham, Reading, Romania (Cluj-Napoca), Japan and those who love being artistically creative or are those simply talented within the fine arts.

As we are approaching Christmas festivities, we would appreciate if the audience would support this project with their visits to the gallery to vote for the best artworks on show.

The main awards were announced on the 11 December:
1. Jury’s prize – ‘Best artist’ Award to Sian Hughes and ‘Special Commendations’ to: Maureen Morgan
2. Curator’s prize – ‘Best abstract painting’ Award to Christine O’Reilly Wilson
3. Curator’s choice – ‘Senior prize’ to Maureen Morgan
4. Public’s choice / prize – ‘Best miniature artwork’
Award to be announced on Friday 18 December 20.30

Selected Participants:
Richard Ashworth, Christine O’reilly Wilson, Xia Lu, Nagachoo (Japan), Nicole Bartos, Marian Hara (Romania), Andra (Romania), Tony Kennedy, Maureen Morgan, Marie Abernethy, Jo Bywater, Jennifer Ross, Stanislaw Krakiewicz, Peter Barker, Neil Phizacklea, Dorel Gaina (Romania), Roxana Tohaneanu-Shields (Reading), Mike Howson, Sian Hughes, Melinda Farkas (Romania), Lucia Lobont (Romania), etc. !

Special thanks to all who supported this project: jury members/volunteers, PISTACHIO Restaurant and Bar, Lark Lane,, SMLLCA Lark lane and, not last, all artists involved: ‘Thank you all for your efforts to participate to this show’!

Exhibition runs until 30 January 2010.

See the details about this show


80 Lark Lane, The Old Police Station Liverpool
Contact: 07756912911